Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ready to Rock'n'Roll

Well, the big day has finally arrived. I fly out this evening on flight NZ6, and as I write this over my morning coffee, I think I might actually be almost ready - just a bit of last minute packing to do.

It's a beautiful, still, clear morning here in Riverhead, which I'm taking as a good omen. Another motivating factor behind this trip, is the chance to get away from the NZ winter for a bit, so 'Huey' must be having a bit of fun with me today, by turning on a nice day.

Another early start (for me, anyway) this morning, with a couple of 7:00am calls and texts from friends wishing me well - thanks guys (yawn :-).

I've actually been really blown away by all the interest, support and good wishes received from family & friends in regards to the trip. It makes me realise how lucky I am when it come to the really important things in life! Thank you all, and I hope you enjoy taking the trip with me.

Stop the Presses - I just got my first comment on my blog - Woo-hoo!! Thanks RoB - Love you too.

Last night, I finished re-reading Paul Theroux's 'The Old Patagonian Express', which is a very insightful travelogue about a trip by train from Boston, Massachusetts to Patagonia in southern Argentina. Its quite a 'serious' work, but a good read, and is as much as anything all about the process of travelling by one's self, and how that impacts on the experience - not easy to describe, but I think very good for getting me into the right head-space for the trip.

I recommend it (and the earlier 'Great Railway Bazaar') as being excellent reads - should be available in your local library, or, if you want to borrow my copy, please form a orderly queue on the left.

Well, best be getting on with the last few jobs. Talk to you all soon, from the City of Angels.

1 comment:

bill said...

It's now 1:12pm and Air New Zealand 6 had landed in LAX at 12:37pm local time. Welcome or as many say in Los Angeles, ¡bienvenida! Simon. I hope all was well on your flight

Looking forward to making your acquaintance in a few days.

Cheers to you and your expedition.

Bill Bates
Portland, Oregon